How To Survive - Zombie Island Review

how to survive game

How to Survive is an open-world survival action role Playing video game developed by French, independent studio Eko Software and released by 505 Games. It was originally released for Xbox 360, Xbox One and PlayStation 3 and later on, for the Nintendo eShop. This survival video game follows the story of a young boy called Ben, who along with his friends survived a deadly virus outbreak. However, now he must face another threat -infected zombies. Each player controls one character in single player mode and can switch to other characters using the keyboard and the nunchuck.

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The story starts when the game character, Ben, wakes up after sleeping in a strange room. He awakens to find that all of his clothes and his pet monkey bags are missing. With the help of his friends and survivor dog tags, he sets out to explore the rest of the site. Along his way, he meets the survivor squirrel and the survivor duck, who also find themselves in a dangerous situation.


The story line mainly involves the two groups fighting against the zombies. The player controls both groups and can use the keyboard and the nunchuck for moving. The combat can be done both using guns and bows or throwing rocks at zombies with the wooden blocks. When the boy finds the first tree on the island, he needs to bring it back to the safe house before the zombies can destroy it. However, there are some obstacles in place on the island which block Ben's way to the safe house. These include dead zombies, rotating spikes, traps and a collapsing bridge.

How To Survive - Zombie Island Review


To continue the game, the boy will need to bring the dead bodies to the campfire to stay warm. Then, using the flamethrower, he can kill any zombies that come near. Using the bow, the boy can either kill zombies or throw rocks at them.


To advance further, the boy will need to get a shovel and a banana. Using these tools, he can dig up zombie corpses or even throw rocks at them. However, as soon as he reaches level two, he will need to bring the shovel and the banana to another section of the island. He will use the shovel to remove the dead bodies and throw the banana on top of them. Using the blower gun, he will blow up any zombies or anything else standing on top of the bananas. At level three, the boy will be allowed to take a shotgun and kill anything standing in front of him.


Once the boy reaches level four, he will need to bring along a crowbar, a plank, a brick, a rock, a bucket, a stick, a shovel, and a fresh meat. Using the blower gun, he can throw the plank at zombies or anything else standing in front of him. Using the crowbar, he can break open large groups of zombies and throw the bricks at them. If he has a fresh meat pack, he should be able to kill more zombies with this simple tool. If there are many zombies around, he may want to try using his flamethrower, although this one does not help too much when it comes to fresh meat.


The last level will introduce a new type of weapon - a monkey throwing star. The monkey will launch three small stars every few seconds. The player can defeat the monkeys and collect fresh meat every time they successfully kill a monkey. However, there is a problem with this type of island, as there are only three available stars that can be used to defeat the game's boss, the Big D. Using this strategy, the player will be able to collect fresh meat every ten minutes, which will allow them to feed the monkey.


The final levels will introduce another type of weapon - the bow. The bow is quite effective against zombies and Big D but it is quite weak against larger groups of zombies. Using the bow effectively will require plenty of practice as the zombies will quickly surround any player who is using a bow. Once the player has mastered using the bow, they may want to try the other weapons on the starter island to find out which one they like the best.

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